It has been a while since we last updated our Bengali news channel TRP list and a lot has changed in the meantime. Here is the latest list of the top 10 Bengali news channels in terms of TRP for the year 2022.
Bengali news channel TRP List 2022
The TRP list for Bengali news channels in 2022 has been released and there are some surprises in store! The list is topped by ABP Ananda, which has been the most popular Bengali news channel for several years now. But there is a new challenger in second place – 24 Ghanta! 3rd place goes to DD Bangla, which has been steadily climbing up the list in recent years. And in 4th place is News Time, which has also been gaining in popularity. So what does this mean for the Bengali news landscape? Well, it seems that Bengali viewers are increasingly turning to news channels for their fix of news and information.
The Bengali news channel TRP list for 2022 is out, and it is dominated by channels that focus on hard-hitting news and investigative journalism.
This is a clear indication that the people of Bengal are demanding more from their news channels, and they are willing to pay for it. This is good news for the future of Bengal's media landscape, as it means that there is a market for quality news and journalism And with so many great channels to choose from, it's no wonder that the competition is so stiff! So, what do you think of the TRP list for Bengali news channels in 2022? Let us know in the comments below!